1 Peter 5 7 Commentary. Worries about covetousness, ambition, popularity, all evaporate under the command to humble yourselves under the mighty hand of god. But it is the privilege of all true christians to partake of the glory that shall be revealed.
1 Peter 567 1 peter, Bible study journal, Peter bible from www.pinterest.com
Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: The “top 10″ list is based on aggregate reviews. The words are taken out of, or at least refer to ( psalms 55:22) , where, instead of cast thy burden upon the lord, the septuagint have it, cast thy care upon the lord;
2 thessalonians 2:13), the future tense and its equivalents (as found here in 1 peter 1:5) reflecting something yet to be brought to full completion.
Not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; Throwing the whole life with its care on him’ (vincent p. That is the thought peter added in verse 7. Worries about covetousness, ambition, popularity, all evaporate under the command to humble yourselves under the mighty hand of god.