All Big Cats In The World. The more lightweight cheetah is sometimes regarded as a. It would be a bleak world indeed.

They are officially stated as bornean clouded leopard in 2007. The big cats in this definition roar unlike those included in the modern, more liberal definition. Most big cats have a throat and voice box that enable them to roar.
There are only five species of big cats.
Top four largest living species of wild big cats that are able to roar includes tigers, lions, jaguars and leopards caracal,eurasian lynx,serval,golden cat and other species of wild cats also includesiberian lynx,bobcat, black panther,white tiger,indian bengal tiger and indian lion. Big cats are some of the most alluring wildlife in the world. Weighing in at up to 3oo kg (660 lbs) and measuring up to 4m (13ft) in length this is one big cat. According to wwf there are approximately 3,900 wild tigers left in the world today.