American Bulldog And French Bulldog. They were bred as fighting dogs, for guarding and protecting their owner’s belongings, and also for rounding up cattle. The french bulldog or frenchie as it is affectionately sometimes called is one of the smaller varieties of bulldog.

Being that the french mastiff is also known as the dogue de bordeaux, this is also a dogue de bordeaux mastiff mix. Once introduced to america, the american bulldog was widely used for herding cattle and hunting. The second bulldog in our overview is the french bulldog, which bears a striking resemblance to the boston terrier.the main difference between them is that the french bulldog has a plumper and more muscular body.
One major way in which they differ is the purpose these animals serve in a typical home.
On the other hand, the french bulldog features can be considered simply as a miniature version of the regular bulldog. We are very concerned about the type of homes our puppies will be going to as they are our major concern. Kraemer’s american bulldog tip 4: The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed.