American Pet Registry Phone Number. The company's filing status is listed as good standing and its file number is 02212928. We register all breeds of purebred dogs and cats.

Together we will overcome the current challenges of the economy and continue our good works on behalf of all dogs. Pet chip registry displays contact information for all brands of pet microchips including animal id, home again®, avid™ akc car/eid™, digital angel®, resq®, allflex®, schering plough™, 24 pet watch™, lifechip®, banfield®, crystal tag™, datamars™ & destron fearing™ once submitted. Get american pet registry inc phone number in plano, tx 75023, bartending service, american pet registry inc reviews.
Microchip is registered with the bc pet registry.
The akc is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health and training information for dogs. Aca sanctions dog shows and competition trials throughout north american and the caribbean. Forms faqs contact us nsw find my council. Aca sanctions dog shows and competition trials throughout north american and the caribbean.