Are Chinchillas Good Pets For Beginners. Chinchillas are a unique pet but can often leave potential pet owners curious if they would make a good pet for a beginner pet owner. [it depends on this] are chinchillas good beginners pets?

If a chinchilla is held too tightly they will retaliate and bite. It is a valid question to ask, and i had the same questions. The chinchilla doesn't have body odor.
Exotic pets can be beautiful, unique, and some can be trained to do tricks, talk, or retrieve items for you.
Captive bred tame chinchillas make brilliant, versatile pets for adults and older children. The uniqueness of this pet is that they are friendly, furry and cute. Be prepared to spend at least an hour a day with these guys, especially if you want to bond with them. Even its droppings will take several days to emit a smell;