Are Green Iguanas Good Pets. Green iguanas make good pets. Green iguanas make great pets if you have the time and the effort to put into them all those people that are saying they dont do not know what they are talking about and second of all they dont only get four fett long that is actually a female if it is only four feet and i had one for about five years it was a female and she grew to be almost.

But before raising them as pets, there are a few tips mentioned below, concerning reptile care. A green iguana is also known as american iguana. While there are many types of iguanas, not all of them are suitable to be kept as pets (some are in danger of extinction).
Iguanas have strict feeding and housing requirements, can grow quite large, live a long time, and can be very strong.
Navy seal in charge of bin laden raid endorses biden. Unlike some other species of lizards, iguanas get large…very large. Green iguanas make good pets. Aggressive or lethargic iguanas will not be good pets, and body size should be comparable to others in the cage.