Are Rose Hair Tarantulas Good Pets. When kept in captivity with no predators to shorten their lifespan, rose hair tarantulas can live for a good deal of time. They tend to move more slowly, which makes any necessary handling easier.

The chilean rose is one of the easiest tarantulas to keep and defiantly recommended as a starter. Actually, to the right animal lover, they make great pets. Males on average live only 5 years, but females can live for up to 30.
But they are venomous and are absolutely not the tarantulas for beginners.
According to josh's frogs, the chilean rose hair tarantula (grammostola rosea) is one of the most common tarantulas owned as pets because are inexpensive and easy to care for. The length of life for a rose hair tarantula depends on the sex of the spider. While females tend to live three to four times longer than males. Rose hair tarantulas are available at most pet stores.