Are Siamese Cats Color Blind. The pupils in both eyes are huge and black and she is bumping into walls and furniture. Siamese can be a little night blind.

The siamese was exported from siam, now thailand, in the late 1800’s. A siamese show cat will be disqualified if he does not have blue eyes. Siamese cats can inherit genes from parents that result in eye problems including progressive retinal atrophy, glaucoma, strabismus and nystagmus.
Eye color is seldom connected to color of the fur.
They are one of the most extroverted and social cats in the world, enjoying the company of people of all ages. For example, primates see the same color spectrum as humans, but spiders and insects view the world primarily in ultraviolet, which is entirely different from what humans are able to see. The inquisitive and vocal siamese has plenty of positive traits that make it a unique and lovable breed. The most typical colors are gold, green, and orange.