Aural Hematoma Cat Home Treatment. You should always take your cat to your vet if they develop an aural haematoma. Other causes include head shaking or a blow to the ear.

An aural hematoma is when blood accumulates between the skin and the cartilage of your dog’s ear flap. Surgical treatment is usually indicated. The swelling may involve the entire pinna or it may involve only one area of the ear.
Without treatment the haematoma will become firm and eventually become a scarred cauliflower type mass.
Treatment of ear hematomas in cats. An aural hematoma is a collection of blood within the cartilage of the ear and the skin. Daniel whitton the newest treatment for aural hematomas in pendant eared animals is the aural splint. If the lesion is confined to just one part of the pinna, the swelling may be small.