Average Age To Spay A Cat. Prior to the operation, your cat will be given an anaesthetic and once home, they will need to stay in for a short while, as advised by your pet. It is more expensive to spay a cat who is either in heat or who is already pregnant.

The cost of spaying a cat will fluctuate according to these variables. In most cases the cost to spay a cat will vary from $100 to $200 dollars. Costs vary quite a bit depending on the sex of the cat and the individual vet practice so check with your local vet.
Here's how you'll know when she's in heat.
The cost to spay varies from vet to vet and even on circumstances. Information about cat spaying age: Average cost to spay a cat. While spaying is traditionally recommended for kitties between 4 and 6 months of age, spaying as young as 8 weeks old is considered safe, according to cat channel.