Bed Bugs Live On Cats. In absence of human hosts, they could feed on your cats or dogs. Trying to keep a cat from scratching is futile, and because it is likely to scratch more intensely than a human, the cat can easily suffer from a skin infection that may make it very sick.

One common symptom is pink welts that are found on the bites. Bedbugs (or bed bugs) are small, oval, brownish insects that live on the blood of animals or humans. While cats can suffer from bed bug bites, the bugs don’t live on animals permanently like lice, as they prefer to hide in soft surfaces such as mattresses and.
Bed bugs can inhabit almost anyplace and anything.
In absence of human hosts, they could feed on your cats or dogs. Bed bugs do not actually live on cats like ticks or lice, so you are unlikely to spot any in your cats fur. While cats can suffer from bed bug bites, the bugs don’t live on animals permanently like lice, as they prefer to hide in soft surfaces such as mattresses and. As i said above, it would be amazing if cats, dogs, and other domesticated pets were able to assist in the war on bed bugs, but this simply isn’t the case.