Bed Bugs On Cats And Dogs. Cats and dogs can get bed bugs on them. However, this isn’t entirely impossible.

All they need to thrive is blood and hiding spots. It is not likely that cats and dogs will introduce a bed bug infestation into a home because any bugs that crawled onto them to feed during the night generally would have gone into hiding during the day. Cats and dogs don’t do the job as i said above, it would be amazing if cats, dogs, and other domesticated pets were able to assist in the war on bed bugs, but this simply isn’t the case.
However, the good news is that even if your cat gets bitten by the insect, the pest will only be attached to it only for a couple of minutes and then it will go back to its hiding place.
Recently, several facilities have been training dogs to sniff out live bed bugs in residential communities, hotel rooms, and other types of buildings. If the blood sucker problem becomes out of control, it’s possible that bed bugs may infiltrate a dog or cats bed along with your families beds, couches and. Bites can cause allergic reactions, and excessive scratches can lead to skin infections. Although bugs can sometimes be found on cats and dogs, this situation is unusual;