Benadryl Dosage For Cats Itching. Make sure that you don’t increase the dosage simply because the cat isn’t responding right away, as these drugs take a few minutes to kick in. The standard recommended dosage of benadryl for cats is 1 mg per pound to be given twice a day (every 12 hours).

Benadryl, which is a brand name for the drug diphenhydramine hydrochloride, is an antihistamine used to treat symptoms of allergies in cats, including swelling, itching, sneezing and hives, that result from insect bites or stings, exposure to environmental allergens like grass or pollen, and reactions to flea bites or vaccines. Larger cats may need more, and that is a discussion to be had with a vet for the proper benadryl dosage for felines before giving your cat benadryl. You will know then the benadryl kicks in because the cat will seem a little bit more disoriented and might be excessively tired.
While benadryl is safe and effective for most cats, consult your vet to decide if it is the right way to treat your cat's allergies.
To start you could go with.5 milligrams per pound of body weight. Print or download download benadryl dosage chart for cats. For this reason, most vets recommend liquid benadryl since such a small amount is needed and you don't want to have to break a tablet into a dozen tiny pieces. Benadryl for cats is often used to help manage allergies and other allergic reactions.