Best Asian Cat Breeds. Cats are capable of living up to 20 years, depending on the breed. This list just barely scratches the surface of all asian dog breeds from the far east.

The ultimate guide to cat breeds. Many newer breeds of cat originate from asia, but it can be difficult to trace their ancestry. There is a lot of confusion surrounding the use of this name in the cat world, although it is always used to describe cats of distinctly oriental type.
There is a lot of confusion surrounding the use of this name in the cat world, although it is always used to describe cats of distinctly oriental type.
The docile, affectionate persian is one of the most popular cat breeds and makes a great indoor cat. In fact, some of the most beautiful and popular cats were first bred there. The persian comes in a variety of colours, but be careful if you’re interested in one with white fur and blue eyes, as those traits often indicate deafness. In general, asian cat breeds share a number of characteristics that make them different from the cats of the rest of the world.