Best Catan Expansion To Get First. The expansion has different elements that we discuss in turn: In the box, you will find 30 neatly made wooden ships, 2 gold tiles, 7 sea hex tiles, a desert tile, 2 harbor tokens, 2 frame pieces, 9 new scenarios, 35.

The catan histories line is all about taking the standard gameplay of catan and dialing it up a bit. Altogether, this expansion uses small changes to give the game a different feel. When catan first released, it underestimated its own appeal and came packaged with enough pieces to support four players.
The best catan expansion for those who want more depth and complexity cities & knights makes catan feel very similar to the civilization game series.
The problem is, it can be so difficult to figure out where. The catan histories line is all about taking the standard gameplay of catan and dialing it up a bit. Based on customer reviews and my own experience with the cowboy method i’ve found the best 3 catan expansion on the market. Some players claim that the vanilla catan is their favorite way of playing.