Birth Control For Cats In Food. The alliance for contraception in cats and dogs keeps a running list of contraceptive products available for dogs and cats. The heat cycle ends after intercourse.

It is very important to spread it out on as many plates as possible so the entire colony is being medicated as evenly as possible. Birth control for dogs is a serious consideration when you have a canine companion. If you have ever been to a shelter, then you know there are more dogs than owners in the united states.
Spaying or neutering cats is among the most inexpensive ways to control the feline population these days.
Birth control pills for cats. A formula for cats is also in the works. The link will take you to the human's page but the same products work for humans and animals. Historically the only option for people like me who were feeding stray cats and wanted to do the responsible thing and keep them from reproducing was a process called trap/neuter/return or t/n/r.