Can Cats And Dogs Eat Pepperoni. Well, there are a lot of things to take into consideration here, so let’s get to it. Unfortunately, spices like cayenne pepper, which contain capsaicin, can cause a cat to vomit, diarrhea or suffer other gastrointestinal issues.

Well, meat is good for cats, so it may appear that salami can be good as well. Spicy foods can trigger gastric issues in the long run. Cheese isn't great for dogs, either, and everyone knows pizza has to be dripping with cheese.
17 spicy food alternatives that cats can taste 18 can cats.
What you should know is that liver can contain between 10 and 100 times the nutrients of muscle meat. Is there anything in a pizza that can harm them or even kill them? Most pizza toppings such as anchovies, pickled veggies, pepperoni, etc. 14 can cats taste hot peppers?