Can Cats Eat Cooked Mushrooms. They have a small amount of proteins but meat is a much better source for those than mushrooms for cats since their digestive system is adapted for that type of food. Dogs can have mushrooms, but there are only specific types of food that are safe to eat.

It is also proved that mushrooms can prevent tumors and infections in your rat, so it is good to have a couple of mushrooms as a snack. If you must feed your cat a piece of mushroom off your plate, make sure that it is cooked thoroughly and monitor them to watch for any adverse reaction. Veterinarians caution against giving your cat or dog mushrooms.
This means you could potentially share your favorite cooked mushrooms with your cat, but try to refrain.
In general, mushrooms that are safe for people are not toxic to cats or other pets. Whether you feel tempted to pass off an unwanted pizza topping or are worried about your cat coming. A small amount of cooked mushrooms won’t do any harm to your rat and it could be a delicious healthy snack. The short answer is it depends.