Can Cats Eat Crab Apples. Some cats can also have an allergy to apples. Raw red apple is safe for cats, and it contains a high amount of fiber, which could help with constipation or even regular digestion if given in small quantities once or twice a week.

A raw, moist, smelly shrimp will be as delicious to your feline as it is very crispy. Once you check the label and are sure there is nothing bad in the food, you can feed it to your cat. While crabapples look like mini versions of the apple, you might wonder whether or not crabapples are edible.
Moderation, when giving this sweet treat, is definitely a good idea.
Other creatures eat crab apples too, like worms. If they like the taste of crabapples, then they are most likely to eat a significant amount of them. Rabbits love munching on a slice of apple. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.