Can Cats Eat Green Beans. Offering your pet foods made for human consumption is a generally unhealthy practice, but a few notable exceptions exist. Great beans are one of the good vegetables that can help particularly overweight cats.

Be sure to wash some fresh raw greens and only give them three or five. Green beans have protein and iron. Just make sure that if the peas are frozen, they are still soft enough for your cat to chew to avoid choking.
They are 100% safe for our cat’s organism.
Cats can not only eat green beans, but this veggie is actually very good for them. If you think your pet is a even just a bit overweight, or a full blown obese, you must be anxious to make sure she slims back down to a healthy weight. Cooking it will denature it. Cat’s can get a biotin deficiency if they overeat avidin (egg whites).