Can Cats Eat Psychedelic Mushrooms. Of course, it depends on the animal. In general, mushrooms that are safe for people are not toxic to cats or other pets.

Dogs explore the world by scent and taste, and the texture of a mushroom might also be intriguing to an inquisitive canine. She doesn't seem as relaxed either. Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in 200 species of mushrooms that grow across earth.
The cat probably wouldn't die if it ate a whole pound of shrooms, the od death of a half kilo rat is @ 15grams of pure psilocybin.
Of course, it depends on the animal. The autumn skullcap… now there is a name that shouts “eat me!”. On the whole, concerning your feline’s nutritional program, it is best to keep away from all mushrooms, although commercially made fresh mushrooms can be munched for kitties as well as cats in a percentage. If you know what to look for, choosing a deadly mushroom is unlikely, but it.