Can Cats Eat Salted Seaweed. “eat one packet of seaweed, and drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day,” said mokato. You must sprinkle some dry roasted nori powder on your animal’s food before serving.

Wild seaweed can also contain pollutants and harmful organisms. Cats should never have onion, garlic, kelp, grapes or raisins, sugary treats, chocolate, and alcoholic or caffeinated drinks, even in small doses. Cats get part of their water requirement from their food as well, which makes canned food an important part of their diet.
Dogs can have crackers occasionally.
If you like your seaweed crunchy, soak it for 5 minutes, if you like it more tender, soak it for 10 minutes. Cats should never have onion, garlic, kelp, grapes or raisins, sugary treats, chocolate, and alcoholic or caffeinated drinks, even in small doses. But it must be eaten in moderation. Dogs can have crackers occasionally.