Can Cats Eat Thai Basil. Some cats nibble plants out of pure curiosity, but some do it to sooth tummy aches. Catnip is the one herb everyone knows is not only safe for cats, but loved by them.

Many thai communities are known to be the lovers of basil hence the reason behind the name. Cats can eat basil, i.e., its fresh, cooked, or dried and ground leaves are safe but should be given in moderation. Its on the list for things they can eat.
So, cooked basil is safe for cats.
A blooming lily (lilium spp.) may add a touch of color to your home, but that same plant can be deadly to your feline friend. Unfortunately, spices like cayenne pepper, which contain capsaicin, can cause a cat to vomit, diarrhea or suffer other gastrointestinal issues. Here's the list of what they can and cannot plants and toxic plantssafe plants toxic plants achillea aloe vera african. Nothing definitive about holy basil or known as the tulsi plant could be verified if this is or is not poisonous to cats.