Can Cats Get Heartworm From Dogs. As in dogs, heartworms are transmitted by feeding mosquitoes and, once mature, end up in the right side of the heart and the large vessels of the lungs.for cats, the likelihood of heartworm infection is directly related to the number of infected dogs in the area. Heartworm disease is an infectious disease caused by the parasite dirofilaria immitis that can occur in dogs and cats but is less common in infected mosquito that bites your cat can transmit dirofilaria immitis.below we will give you information about heartworm symptoms as well as information about the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of heartworm disease.

Heartworms in dogs can be a scary thing, but when the disease is caught early and treated with heartworm medicine, it’s not a death sentence for your beloved pooch. Mature heartworms living in a dog’s tissue and heart can produce baby worms (microfilariae). Heartworm in dogs can take many different forms, with several variations of infection.
The first difference with heartworm in cats is in their size and quantity:
Heartworm if treated won't kill a dog, but it can kill a cat since it can't be treated. Heartworm infection is a serious disease in dogs and cats. Heartworms in cats do not live as long (average lifespan is only 2 to 4 years) or grow as long, and fewer of them mature into adults. Drugs to control the immune system response are common.