Can Cats Get Parvo Symptoms. While in dogs, treatment of parvo consists of boosting the immune system until it can fight the infection, in cats, intravenous fluids and antibiotics are necessary even to give the cat a chance to survive. It can affect cats of all ages, and it's highly contagious.

These viruses don’t affect humans. The causative virus is very resilient and can survive for years in contaminated environments, so vaccination is the best preventative available. Parvo in cats can spread to other cats, but can’t infect other species.
A canine with cpv can suffer from vomiting, weight loss, poor appetite, and diarrhea.
These viruses don’t affect humans. Not everyone has that kind of money. Most cats catch the virus through infected areas rather than from other, infected cats, as the virus can survive up to a year in the environment. This primarily targets white blood cells, and can cause a series of infections if left untreated.