Can Cats Get Parvovirus From Dogs. Whether dogs can get parvo from other animals is an important question considering the fact that dogs may be exposed to other animals or wild life even when they are considered safe in their yards. Canine parvovirus only affects canines, and feline parvovirus only affects cats (including wild and domestic varieties).

While not the same as canine parvovirus, it is referred to as parvo due to the similar symptoms. We recommend always asking your local vet for clarification if you are unsure! Many pet owners and some veterinary professionals are increasingly concerned about the risk of overvaccination, and are choosing to vaccinate owned animals less frequently—or even not to vaccinate.
While it is different from the strain that infects dogs, it is from the same family of parvoviridae.
But any can get parvovirus. Most cats catch the virus through infected areas rather than from other, infected cats, as the virus can survive up to a year in the environment. Your email address will not be published. The viruses are species specific, which means they only infect one specific species of mammal.