Can Cats Have Down Syndrome. Eventually, it means that there isn’t the 21 st pair of chromosomes in a cat, which makes it evident that “cats can’t have down syndrome.” Usually, it is a broad nose, eyes set widely apart, or small and odd ears.

On a cellular perspective, cats cannot possibly develop down syndrome because they do not have the chromosome 21. Cats can’t have down syndrome because they only have 19 pairs of chromosomes and down syndrome occurs on chromosome 21. Grumpy cat, aka tardar sauce, has reached unprecedented global fame thanks to her unusual face which her owners say is a form of dwarfism.
So, cats can’t actually have down syndrome.
Even the shape of their faces also looks slightly off. Cats can have chromosomal imbalances and should be screened by a vet. It looks like down syndrome. Humans have 23 chromosomes whereas cats have 19 so having an extra 21st chromosome is impossible for cats.