Can My Cat Have Peanuts. High fat content can lead to potential health risks. In fact, peanut butter can have the exact opposite effect.

If your cat has already developed a taste for peanut butter, it’s okay to give her a tiny bit here and there.but too much of it will lead to gastrointestinal upset. As with peanuts, if you really want to feed your cat peanuts, make sure that the peanuts are raw, because the other one may contain a lot of salt or any other additives. Even a small amount of peanut butter can create a potential choking hazard for your feline friend.
Peanuts may not be poisonous for cats, but they can be dangerous for certain reasons.
Signs of gastrointestinal obstruction can include profuse vomiting, lethargy, poor appetite, abdominal pain and the absence of bowel movements. If your cat has had peanuts before and begins to have associated reactions, such as swelling, itching, or sneezing, then you may have discovered a peanut allergy. Peanuts are also very high in fat, easy to choke on, and can provoke a severe allergic reaction if your cat happens to be allergic (and some cats are). My cat loves peanuts and can eat quite a few if i let her.