Can My Cats Have Blueberries. Even though cats are carnivores, they don’t have to eat meat exclusively. Additionally, cats, just like humans, can be allergic to blueberries.

But a steady diet of tuna prepared for humans can lead to malnutrition because it won't have all the nutrients a cat needs. “that’s why some pet foods contain blueberry powder,” explains dempsey. In fact, adding things to your cats diet often causes more harm than good.
Household pets can harvest the berries directly from the vine or cane.
It’s recommended to observe your cat for any issues that can arise in response to her diet change. They do have high fiber content but they are still a good treat. Though cats do not eat many fruits, felines are known to be neophilia in nature, and thus they love to explore new textures and taste. Yes, cats can eat blueberries.