Can Older Cats Have Strokes. If your cat has a seizure from a stroke, he will only show seizure symptoms on one side of its body. Stroke recovery in cats is often speedy with fewer lasting effects, when compared to humans.

Strokes can be caused by brain or head trauma but also can occur if the cat has health issues such as diabetes, kidney or heart disease or blood clots. The good news is that with animals strokes are generally much less crippling, and in many cases a cat can make almost a full recovery fully within a few weeks. Several underlying health problems seem to increase the risk that a cat might have a stroke.
Strokes often occur in conjunction with underlying health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and other chronic conditions.
In either case, an area of the cat’s brain can be deprived of oxygen or damaged from pressure and a stroke follows. Their pupils will be 2 different sizes. Heart disease can occur in cats as young as 3 months or as old as 19 years. Strokes can cause sudden death.