Carpal Pad Cat Injury. It was cur right where the pad attaches to her leg and i bandaged it up but it was still bleeding after 2 days so i brought her to the vet. To prevent the development of a serious illness, the patient should be taken to the doctor as soon as possible.

If it bleeds heavily or is a puncture wound, take your cat to the vet immediately. Continue to keep an eye on her and try to discourage her from licking the pad. The metacarpal or metatarsal oare considered to be more important as these carry most of the weight, so if these are injured, surgery is used to transplant pad skin from other pads to these areas.
Others can be more serious types of cancers.
If there is concern about the bandage causing pressure over the carpal pad or the point of hock. The purpose of a biopsy is to determine if this is a tumor. Facing dog pose which development. In fact, there are several possible causes for the skin coming off from cat’s paw pads: