Cat Breath Smells Like Death. It’s not that they are trying to smother you to death. She has lost weight and her coat is very dull and greasy feeling.

Hi all, as i posted in previous threads, i have adopted a cat and he has tested fiv+. She has lost weight and her coat is very dull and greasy feeling. When to treat bad cat breath.
Many cases of bad breath are caused by bacteria in the cats mouth and can be treated quickly by cleaning your cats teeth and gums.
Cats with stomatitis develop painful ulcers in the mouth, and bad breath is a common sign of the disease. In addition to having bad breath, cats with kidney disease can appear lethargic, may experience weight loss, drink more water, and urinate more frequently and in greater volume. Dry food can cleanse your cat's teeth. About two years ago my calico cat, wink, came down with the virus panlukopenia ( please excuse the spelling).