Cat Canine Teeth Removal. Moreover, due to the delicate way that cat’s teeth are attached and the invasive methods that are required to remove them, tooth removal in felines is considered a veterinary surgery. Rest assured, however, that your vet will send you home with sufficient medication to keep your kitty comfortable, and most of the time, your cat will be feeling much better within a few days of his procedure.

The anatomy of the mouth and teeth of the cat has been previously described.6 feline teeth are much smaller and narrower than canine teeth. Encourage further gum exercise by giving it chew toys to play with. Ideally, the baby tooth associated with that permanent tooth falls out.
To extract a tooth properly, all roots must be removed.
Teeth that result in malocclusion should be extracted as they cause overcrowding and sometimes teeth grinding. Posted by medieval maven at 11:42 am on june 24, 2010 Within 2 days after the removal of all of her teeth, she was scooping up canned, learning how i'm sure, and as soon as i put dry in her cage she was chowing again, but without the pain! All the incisors and canine teeth have one root.