Cat Coughing Fit Video. Sometimes, it happens when he is on his cat condo. Coughing is one of the most powerful reflexes in the body and is essential for keeping airways free of accumulated secretions and foreign material.

He never produces a hairball, although he is a long hair perpetual groomer so i give him hairball remedy once in a while and he does pass hair out the other way just wondering if the cough should be addressed by a vet? Coughing may accompany upper respiratory tract disease when irritation or inflammation affects the larynx or trachea, or a disease in the nose that results in excessive secretions draining into the larynx and trachea. Common causes of cat coughing tight collars.
There are various reasons your cat may be coughing a lot.
I have managed to video him doing it, but i don't know if i am able to. In most cases, this is the first thing that comes to mind to the owner, whose cat regularly coughs. Cats often get sick when. She would also cough when it was dry, or when she had exerted herself.