Cat Dissection Labeled Arteries And Veins. —clavotrapezius —acromiotrapezius —spinotrapezius •deltoid muscles—the cat has three separate deltoid The purpose of these pages is to quiz your knowledge on the structures of the circulatory system.

Add to playlist 5 playlists. You may also be able to locate the gonadal arteries near the renal arteries. See more ideas about dissection, anatomy, anatomy and physiology.
Arteries , cat , dissection , lab , veins this artery off the aortic arch is the brachiocephalic, and will split to 3, what are they?
Add to favorites 8 favs. —clavotrapezius —acromiotrapezius —spinotrapezius •deltoid muscles—the cat has three separate deltoid This set is often in folders with. Learn the anatomy of a typical human cell.