Cat Dry Heaving No Vomit. The noice (dry couching/gagging) is really scary to me becau … read more It can be gastroenteritis, nausea, or even liver disease.

His appetite is strong, energy level is normal, and his stool looks good. If your cat is dry heaving and it’s doing fine with food, you have no reason to worry. Cats emit sounds very similar to retching frequently;
Even after the vomiting has halted, the brain’s vomit center may be active.
His appetite is strong, energy level is normal, and his stool looks good. Nausea, vomiting and retching (dry heaving) appear with no clear physical cause. They may consist only of a few gasps, and they may vary in severity, from a simple cough to a more serious case of choking. In order to avoid this, stay relaxed!