Cat Dry Nose And Lethargic. But if you're used to feeling a wet cat nose when your kitty gives you kisses, you may worry if she suddenly has dry nose. This all happened in about three days.

We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. If your cat paws at their nose or sneezes frequently, or if you see mucous or other discharge, contact your veterinarian. Any cat with a dry nose who is lethargic, has a poor appetite or seems sick in any way should see a vet.
Other common symptoms are very much like what humans experience when they get the flu:
He also has a dry nose,is a little stinky, and is not eating as much as normal. In the meantime, wipe your cat's nose with a wet cotton ball several times a day to help with the. The fact is that a cat’s nose doesn’t always have to be wet and cold. Fever is generally characterized as an immune disorder.