Cat Ear Polyp Home Remedy. They can cause stertor, nasal discharge, otitis, otic discharge and head tilt. They may present with a head tilt, inability to walk in a straight line, have a droopy eyelid or the third eyelid may partially cover the eye.

An herb called pau d’ arco is an inner bark natural cure for cat’s ear infection that originates in south america. We have other cat remedies on our natural remedies for ear mites page, but consider cleaning with mineral oil and looking into ted's mange remedy. If the polyp has invaded the middle ear, it may be visible through the tympanic membrane (ear drum) when examining the ears with an otoscope.
With malignant tumors, a ct scan is often performed prior to surgery to determine how invasive the tumor is and enable surgical planning.
As per the journal of small animal practice, polyps start life in a cat’s throat. An ear polyp is a variation of a tumor. Aural polyps usually form in the middle ear. While we do not know the underlying cause of polyps in cats, there are several theories.