Cat Ears Back Eyes Closed. a relaxed and happy cat would have ears point slightly forward, eyes relaxed, and whiskers are also pointed forward Preauricular alopecia the preauricular (meaning before the ear area) alopecia or facial alopecia is when the cat loses hair and has bald patches between the eyes and the ears or above the eyes.

However, when they do open, the ears are much more fully formed than the eyes are at this point in time. I also love the relaxed, half closed eyes of. A content cat is generally relaxed and calm.
On the other hand, slightly back ears with a closed mouth and tight lips, lowered head, crouching posture, tucked tail and the whites of the eyes showing (called whale eye) can mean he's anxious and defensive, and may bite.
Houpt indicates that most cat aggression is toward other cats. Ears tightly pinned flat back: As a cat feels threatened or uneasy, ears turn toward the side. Preauricular alopecia the preauricular (meaning before the ear area) alopecia or facial alopecia is when the cat loses hair and has bald patches between the eyes and the ears or above the eyes.