Cat Eating Litter What To Do. Observe your cat for any triggers that create it to be aggressive. The cat’s instincts drive him or her to consume the litter in hopes of compensating for or correcting the condition.

If your cat is suffering from mineral and vitamin deficiencies, the cat will try to get those minerals from trying new things and this can be a reason why your cat is eating cat litter. This is because “pica” is a symptom rather than an answer in its own right. If your adult kitty has been sampling from the litter box and shows signs of a blockage, such as loss of appetite and absence of feces in the litter box.
One of the more surprising things that cats will choose to eat is their own litter.
Anemia puts him at a greater risk of illness and injury and can be fatal if not treated. Your cat could be eating litter if it's not getting sufficient nutrition from its food. Adult cats who are eating kitty litter are usually suffering from a vitamin deficiency or a mineral deficiency. If your cat is older than three months of age and is eating cat litter, he may have pica, which is a symptom of anemia.