Cat Eye Injury Cloudy. On the other hand, if your cat has a major injury, you'll know from these symptoms: Mix up a saline solution, by combining ½ cup warm water and ½ tsp salt.

On the other hand, if your cat has a major injury, you'll know from these symptoms: For this purpose a surgical collar exists, which is also called an ‘elizabethan’ collar. In many cases, the excessive production of tears could successfully get rid of the foreign body.
If your cat's third eyelid is showing or he has a swollen eye, it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
Compared to humans, cats are a little nearsighted and see colors as more muted. This can be anything from a littermate accidentally swatting a kitten in the eye to actual fighting injuries, scratches from something in his environment, foreign objects in the eye or even a car accident. However, it is usually accompanied by rubbing of the eyes, redness, as well as more severe discomfort for the cat. A cat with a corneal ulcer normally has significant eye discomfort, so it keeps the eyelids tightly closed.