Cat Eye Removal Procedure. The vet removes the globe of the eye, along with the cat's third eyelid, conjunctiva, tear glands and eyelids. Small animal (dog/cat) and small exotic animal consultation appointments.
A cat's eye with a conjunctival pedicle flap 10 days after from
Small animal (dog/cat) and small exotic animal consultation appointments. Why might this procedure come to be necessary? It also may be more sensitive to light, or you might see a red or pink hue over everything.
This procedure is used primarily for the removal of a cancerous eye mass.
They will have the fur around their eye clipped, their eyeball and eyelids carefully removed and their wound stitched up. Before the surgery, your cat receives a general anesthetic and the hair around the eye is clipped. If your eye is very badly injured, […] Enucleation may also be recommended in the event of severe eye injury.