Cat Flea Allergy Dermatitis Medication. Flea allergy dermatitis is a hypersensitive reaction to proteins in flea saliva which it injects into the skin when it feeds. Your veterinary staff may recommend tests to rule out other common problems.

The common symptoms of flea allergies also appear in cats affected by other skin conditions, so. Flea saliva contains many antigens which some cats and dogs are very susceptible to. Flea allergic dermatitis explained most cats find fleas itchy and irritating but for some they are a much bigger problem because they are allergic to the bites (or more specifically the flea’s saliva).
Flea allergy dermatitis as the name implies is an allergy which affects both cats and dogs.
Flea allergy dermatitis as the name implies is an allergy which affects both cats and dogs. If your cat is allergic to fleas, your job is not necessarily to treat the symptoms. You'll have to make sure to prevent further occurrences of the parasite to avoid this and other allergic diseases that may occur. Small, raised, hard bumps, especially along the spine of the cat and around the neck (miliary dermatitis)