Cat Flea Signs Symptoms. Weight loss, a poor looking coat and body conditions changing are also symptoms that should alert you to a major flea infestation. Your veterinarian will use your answers, the cat’s symptoms, and the test results to make an accurate diagnosis.

One of the most apparent symptoms is constant scratching of the skin and fur coat by the cat. One disease is cat flea rickettsiosis, which has symptoms similar to murine typhus. They can get infected after coming in direct contact with an infected pet, or while playing in garden that is already infested with fleas.
Symptoms & signs of fleas in cats.
And the worst part is that, they can transmit pathogens to pet dogs and humans as well. Here are the signs your cat has fleas: And the worst part is that, they can transmit pathogens to pet dogs and humans as well. Telltale signs that your cat has fleas are “scratching and itching, redness to the skin, or small red bumps or a rash,” says melanie thomas, dvm, a primary care veterinarian at coral springs animal hospital in coral springs, florida.