Cat Flu Symptoms Diarrhea. If your cat has diarrhea, you need to find out the cause so you can ease your cat’s discomfort. The virus affects the membranes of the eyes.

The diarrhea is profuse, watery, explosive, or very frequent. There’s nothing worse than seeing your beloved pet enduring the symptoms of nasty flu symptoms while you look on helplessly. Cat flu in general is a very contagious disease and can spread quickly from cat to cat.
Your cat is vomiting, lethargic, depressed, in pain, or has any other worrisome symptoms.
Cat flu is not usually serious in adult cats, although they can be quite ill. Symptoms include a runny nose and achy muscles, and plenty of tlc is needed for recovery. All cats with symptoms of cat flu should see the vet. Either cooked (steamed or boiled) or canned (not the pie filler type) may be of help in relieving diarrhea.