Cat Foaming At Mouth After Eating Bug. Some beetles don't taste good, as a defense mechanism. So, this bug hunting phenomenon seems to have its basis in behavior and not biology.

Keep your dog away from your cat after applying any kind of flea treatment for 72 hours, advises international cat care. It happened right after he was eating ? “mostly, i think the chasing and eating of bugs is both fun and instinctual, as bugs are quickly moving small things and cat’s brains are programmed to chase,” says dr.
Well i brought it in the house and placed it uder a clear jar face down and my cat got happy.
When i wiped out his mouth his back top left molar came out or broke off (not sure which). Is there anything i can do to deter the bug eating? It will stop when the taste is gone. A tooth extraction may be all that’s needed to get your kitty back to their old self.