Cat Front Teeth Sticking Out. Hello, my cat's tongue is sticking out and she is drooling. In addition, they have all the dry cat food that they want to eat out all the time.

It may be helpful to first learn about some of the available options for dealing with a crooked tooth. Every time i take simon to the vet, the vet mentions what big teeth he has, but has never said it was a problem. There in no question that moving the lateral (side) teeth out and the front teeth in will make the two front teeth seem less prominent and will look smaller.
I'm sure it's just a normal variation.
Once you firmly grasp the nature of the cat fang, you should be able to understand what needs to be done if something goes wrong. She still has an appetite and is drinking water. Simon's fangs also stick out below his bottom lip and max's fangs do not. It was not a pleasant experience for her, nor for me.