Cat Genetic Testing Kit. A recent study of ancient cat dna showed that these felines have lived alongside humans for more than 3,000 years. Best cat dna test reviews.

Cat dna testing is relatively new, so there is little user feedback online about these companies. As part of our ongoing breeder platform development, we are tackling some overdue system maintenance and updates. The genetic sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis.
The cat dna submission form with instructions, pricing, and a place to tape the cotton swabs is printed from your home computer after signing up for a myvgl account.
As part of our ongoing breeder platform development, we are tackling some overdue system maintenance and updates. The basepaws cat dna test kit also has a feature that determines how much genetic information your cat has in common with several large wildcats, like tigers, cheetahs, and leopards. Whether you are a cat owner, professional breeder or veterinarian, cat dna testing can bring your furry family members or clients a whole lotta benefits. Free shipping both ways within the continental u.s and canada.