Cat Head Tilt Loss Balance. The vestibular system is in his inner ear and some old dog's systems malfunction causing loss of balance. Head tilt is a medical condition that may be indicative of a serious underlying disorder, usually of the vestibular system.

The good news is most head tilting is associated with easily treatable ear infections. Otitis media can cause facial nerve paralysis, constriction of the pupil of the eye, drooping of the eyelid, sinking of the eyeball into the eye socket, and protrusion of the third eyelid on the same side as the affected ear.if otitis interna occurs at the same time, the cat may tilt its head. The most common clinical signs of vestibular disease include circling or falling to one side, a pronounced head tilt, and rapid and involuntary oscillating movement of the eyeballs.
We decided that if she is still acting like this tomorrow we are taking her to the vet:
Your cat may experience issues with standing on all four legs, and you may even notice your cat leaning or falling over at times, which can be a frightening sight. Vestibular syndrome is a condition that cause your cat to stumble, fall, list to one side, or tilt its head. Cat has loss of balance, head tilted to one side. The most common clinical signs of vestibular disease include circling or falling to one side, a pronounced head tilt, and rapid and involuntary oscillating movement of the eyeballs.