Cat Herpes Eye Drops. Anytime you see severe conjunctivitis with crusting, whitish corneas, discharge, redness, swelling, etc. Herpes in cats or as is known as cat flu is a common disease in our feline friends, who unfortunately if not treated in time can become severe and cause the death of our pet.

Join our community of cat lovers now to reduce ads by 90%! So what has modern veterinary medicine got to offer when it comes to the treatment of feline herpes virus? The neo poly drops have worked well for us, for a couple of yrs.
The condition is for life.
You can say the symptoms are of feline herpes if you see some problem in the eye with cold like symptoms. Some of these drugs have to be given very frequently (several times daily) and they may be combined with topical. Stir vigorously and apply the solution to your cat’s eye using a cotton ball and gently wiping the area. Idoxuridine is a topical antiviral medication.